The forest of Kahikatea trees becomes my refuge

As a bright-eyed 9 year-old Pākehā boy
I find solace in the enchanting forest of Kahikatea trees on my family farm, my bare feet sinking into the spongy moss below. The ancient trees towered over me, their trunks adorned with rough bark that seemed to tell stories of generations past. The forest floor is carpeted with mosses, ferns, and native undergrowth, forming a rich understory habitat teeming with life. I squeeze in-between the tangled roots, leaning my back along the gnarled bark. I feel the pulse of life within and a sense of reverence, as my senses become alive with the sights, sounds, and scents of nature. I listen to the wind as it whispers through the branches, and watch as the sunlight dances through the canopy, casting shadows that seemed to dance with the leaves in this enchanted realm. My imagination soars and I feel a sense of awe and wonder stir my soul.